A SISTERS Club is a group of women united together to support each other in creating retirement income security. It is like a book club or a craft club, but instead of discussing books or making crafts, women create small businesses or investments to enrich their retirement. No matter how old you are, you are not too old to create retirement income. You will live twenty to forty years in retirement, and you will always need income.

When women come together in a Club, they create hope, structure and consistency. They share ideas and learn from each other. They discuss their successes and challenges, and help each other resolve problems.

The purpose of the SISTERS Club is to create an environment where women can come together to share knowledge and experiences, generate ideas, and create investments and business ventures that will provide on-going retirement income for the members of the Club. It is a community of women helping women and helping themselves to improve their retirement planning success. The members could invite speakers, share books, recommend websites, give referrals, use each other’s services and generally further the success of the Club members.

The tone should be friendly and social by nature. The Club will maintain a business focus and interact in a business manner. Respect, confidentiality and trust are the hallmarks of SISTERS Clubs. SISTERS Clubs should be fun and profitable – and importantly, create retirement income enterprises.

The Original Sisters Club

The Sisters Club: Hamming it up on the beach

My sister and my Mom, staying up late to check their investments in the financial pages

A board meeting of the original Sisters Club

The original Sisters Club - out for a day of fun

The Sisters Club at Busch Gardens

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